In Memoriam
This website was built in the early days of webpages, so it has that vintage look. Mac did the whole damn thing by himself to accomplish a goal. "Bring us all a little closer together." And so he did. Mac died on the night of 12 March 2024 of a likely heart attack after back surgery. At the end of a peninsula, he was home on a river in Missouri with Jill and his dog. The estate was laid out per 3-3. His gated entry was marked port, starboard, and bright red and green lights. The boat ramp doubled as a drone runway, complete with all the markings of a genuine assault strip. Both Mac and Jill donated their remains to The Science Center. Mac's remains were removed for their next journey this morning, so we should think of his interment as 13 March. Mac does not want a service, but I know he would be immensely pleased if you left a note here. Please do the same at Mac was instrumental in first getting that site up and running with Karen Downing and Jim Boyce.
Goodbye old friend. - Johnny Pantages


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The Guest Book is full of memories and a way to connect with old teammates.  There are 15 years of comments, many from friends long gone.  Please sign in occasionally and let us know how you're doing.  I'll also put you on the mailing list and send you updates.... Mac  

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