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Instructors: Billie Slayton, Wayne Norrad, Mike Steinbeck, Ron Holder, and Don Rogers; Back Row : L to R :
Dale Anderson, Rick Quigley, Dave Harrington, Tom Regal, John Bringoff, Roger
Hoggatt, and John McNeill; Front Row L to R: Tony Tino, Wes Shulyer, Steve Polofka , Don Twigg, and Mike Head

Reese (Support), Jerry Jones, Mike McReynolds, Algernon Corbett, Mike
Marino, RW the Pooch, Billy Howell, Daniel Jones, Howard Gray, and Willie Poindexter (Support)
1st Pope AFB Combat Control School Class 80-1
Glade, Tim Scherer, John Glowacki, Bob Stephan, Mike
Crawford, Manny Oesterling, James Cusson, Kurt Corley, Dave
Libby, Ed Berry, Bob Overland, Craig Brotchie,
Mike Nazionale, Tim Woods, Joe Washington, Steve Busby, Ralph
Thomas, and Ron Bracken............... picture sent by Mike Marino;

Almengor, Jeff Caleb, Terry Mason, Ed Clark, Greg Capps, Al Avalo, Russ
Dodd, Lawrence "Marty" Martinez, Donald Karpowich, Joe Ray, ?, Hector
Rivera, Mike
Bransten, Stan Braxton, & Dave Hollister

Feliu, Tony Snodgrass, Albert L. Money III, and Randy
Curl ** Laz Salinas, Emilio Martinez, Jim Hunter, James Harrell, and
Dana Geary
Above; Chad Giesige's
graduation jump and Harley riders from the Two Four visiting with Chad
Marquez, Rex Wollmann, Joe Santor, Colonel Joe
Jackson, Vinnie Venturella, Dave Shnoor, Anthony Canterberry,
Jorge Ibarra, and Paul Durst; Kneeling; Jace Walters,
Chris Matero, Rick Hopfauf, and Scott Nowlin

Eric Ray, ? Roskom, Brian Luttel, and Darren Johnson ***** Bud Lubin,
Christopher Lankert, Paul Goebel, and Jason Phillips

Darren Johnson, Christoper Lankert, Eric Ray, Paul Goebel, ? Roskom,
Bud Lubin, Brian Luttrell, and Jason Phillips

Eric Ray, Jason Phillips, Brian Luttrel, Christopher Lankert, Darren
Johnson, Bud Lubin, Paul Goebel, and ? Roskom
