On January 9, 2012, Captain Blake Luttrell, a special tactics officer, and his
element were conducting a helicopter assault in Afghanistan to capture a known
insurgent and improvised explosive device facilitator. Captain Luttrell’s
element was ambushed by a battle-hardened group of insurgents located 100 meters
away. As Captain Luttrell coordinated Army attack helicopters overhead, two
Afghan commandos were fatally shot. Moments later, another Afghan commando
received a fatal gunshot wound to the torso. In response, Captain Luttrell and a
teammate moved forward to pinpoint the enemy while taking direct, accurate
Captain Luttrell then directed Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopters
to suppress the enemy cave complex, which they did with 100 rounds of
30-millimeter shells and four thermobaric hellfire missiles. Captain Luttrell
and his element continued to maneuver under hostile fire towards the fortified
enemy position, and while clearing a nearby building, his element was attacked
by small arms fire from a cave less than five feet away. As one Special Forces
Soldier moved around a corner to return fire, he was shot at point-blank range,
knocked to the ground, and was subsequently shot again multiple times. Without
hesitation, Captain Luttrell aggressively engaged the enemy with his automatic
weapon, deployed smoke into the cave entrance, and courageously moved forward
despite taking heavy fire. While enemy rounds impacted all around him, he pulled
the wounded Soldier from the cave entrance and out of the line of
Captain Luttrell then administered lifesaving treatment to the
wounded Soldier by placing tourniquets on both legs. As he conducted first aid,
his teammates suppressed the threat, enabling the entire element to maneuver out
of the kill zone. Captain Luttrell then coordinated a show of force with attack
helicopters and established a helicopter landing zone 200 meters south of the
cave to evacuate the wounded Soldier. Once the Soldier was successfully
extracted, Captain Luttrell pushed all friendly elements to a safe distance and
controlled an Air Force B-1 bomber that dropped a 2,000-pound bomb, destroying
the cave and ending the enemy resistance.
Captain Luttrell’s terminal
attack control measures resulted in the deaths of four enemy fighters. During
the entire engagement, Captain Luttrell remained under intense enemy fire; yet,
epitomizing true heroics, he never wavered during the heat of battle. For his
actions, he was awarded the Silver Star Medal.
Special Tactics Airmen earn Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart

When the critical moment came there was courage.
There was courage from an Airman who moved into the line of fire to retrieve
bodies of fallen Afghan commandos.
One Airman risked sniper fire to call in air support and another Airman
continued to fight despite shrapnel wounds from a hand grenade.
Three Air Force Special Operations Command combat controllers from the 21st
Special Tactics Squadron were recognized for actions in deployed locations
during a medals ceremony at Pope Field, N.C., Sept. 25.
Capt. Blake Luttrell earned the Silver Star. Staff Sgt. Daniel Resendez
earned the Bronze Star with Valor, and Staff Sgt. Jordan Killam received the
Purple Heart.
"These decorations were earned years in advance through long physical, mental
and technical training pipelines; across experiences from previous deployments
and from lessons passed on by the men who bore the standards before you," said
Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel, the AFSOC commander .
Lutrell was presented the Silver Star, the nation's third highest combat
military decoration, for gallantry in action against an enemy of the U.S. in
Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan, January 2012.
When his clearing operation team came under intense fire from insurgents in a
cave compound, two Afghan commandos were shot. Lutrell recovered the casualties
while directing air power against the enemy.
After a medical evacuation, the team medic was critically wounded while
protecting his teammates and women and children near the enemy stronghold.
Luttrell responded by throwing a smoke grenade into the caves the enemy was
firing from. He moved in front of the cave to pull the medic to a location where
another medevac helicopter landed to extract the medic from the fight.
Resendez received the Bronze Star with Valor, the nation's fourth highest
combat military decoration, for heroism in action against an enemy of the U.S.
in Nuristan province, Afghanistan, May 2011.
As the joint terminal attack controller for an Army special forces and Afghan
commando team, Resendez controlled close air support to eliminate insurgents
firing on the clearing operation.
Resendez controlled the release of a 500-pound bomb in response to heavy
mortar, machine gun, sniper and small-arms fire.
Resendez exposed himself to sniper fire, which missed his head by two feet,
to gain target information crucial to destroying an enemy position. He
controlled danger-close strafe runs on the enemy and marked an extraction zone
for coalition wounded and casualities.
Killam was presented the Purple Heart, the nation's oldest military
authorization, for shrapnel wounds incurred from an enemy hand grenade.
Though these quiet professionals may shirk the limelight, there is value in
recognizing these men up front, special tactics leaders said. Medals ceremonies
not only recognize courageous actions but provide an example for the younger
generation of secial tactics Airmen.
They also provide an opportunity for families to see what their son, father
or nephew do on a routine basis.
"Our men signed up to do the mission," Col. Robert Armfield, the 24th Special
Operations Wing commander. "They love to do the mission and go downrange. But
the families here are their real source of strength, and we thank them for
Lt. Col. Spencer Cocanour, the commander of the 21st Special Tactics
Squadron, said he is proud to lead a group of men who consistently exceed
standards in training and downrange.
Combat controllers complete a two-year pipeline as a minimum standard to
enter their unit, Cocanour said. From that point, it takes about another year to
earn the joint terminal attack control qualification which enables them to
control close air support.
"In essence, these guys are training for three years just to go to the
fight," Cocanour said. "Every day they have to prove themselves. These guys met
the standards, exceeded the standards and continue to excel. And you see their
work ethic being displayed right here when they're being decorated."
The single most decorated career field in the Air Force, special tactics has
amassed five Air Force Crosses, 30 Silver Stars, 550 Bronze Stars and 97 Purple