Dean Stafford, Robert Pitts, Paul Bisnett, Garland Smith, John
Johnston, Larry "Moose" Morris, Ray Coleman, Wayne "Dink" Dalton,
Leonard Holmes, Chuck Abee, Edward M. "Pop" Willis, Nick Athens, and out front;
Capt. Buck Evans and George Hamblin.

Back Row; Nick Athens, Charles Drew, Dion Daugherty, Charles
Christian, William O'Brien, James Nelson, Walt Harper, James Gary,
Herbert Lattimore, John Sheptak, George Jones, Floyd Loveland, Maurice
Pittman, and Alcide Beninin...... Center Row; Robert Barinowski,
Lee Pitzer, Howard Land, Fredrick Oates, Arlon Jahnke, Lemuel Egleston,
Richard Sigman, Donald Horton, Larry Morris, Jim Morgan, Donald Oates,
Lawrence Thal, Joseph Klauser, Robert Biberstein, and John
Gillespie...... Front Row; Martin Shapiro, Thomas Stone, Daniel
Sherwood, Ralph Adams, Adam Heller, Donald Strobaugh, Donald Howie,
Chuck Corey, Jerry Whitley, Robert Farmer, Thomas Sander, and Marcus

Above; Howard "Sky" King,
Tan Pinney, Bob Lanier, Bill Frankenberger, Jim Donaldson, Lewis May,
John Smith, Derek Lyske, Donald East, and Tommy Botts

Bill Frankenberger pictured above and Derek Lyske is pictured in the center of both posters.

Tan Pinney, Bob
Lanier, Jim Donaldson, Bill Frankenberger, Lou May, Howard "Sky" King, John
Smith, Tommy "Sundown" Botts, Don East Derek "Pig Pen" Lyske