Watts, Joseph E. Donahue, Vince Capece, Bob Mahaffey, Homer Thomas "Tom" Kinder,
George Maxwell, Juan Rodriguez, Jim Stanford, Ronald D. Duvall, Tom Drinkwater,
Noland D. "Dean" Stafford, Dustin V. Brock, Robert E Pechtold, William
E. "Bill" Jerkins, Bob Annis, and Bob McCollugh. Kneeling; Bill
Frankenberger, John Stryker, Buddy Bowden, and Charlie Jones

Back Row; Robert McCollough, ?, Ray Long, Tom Drinkwater, Robert E. Pechtol, Kenneth W. Clow Jr., Ronald D. Duvall, Jay E. Widman, James P. Sampley, Gene Adcock, Robert Farmer, and Charlie Jones
Front; Ronald M. Schwade, Juan Rodriguez, Charles Gomez, Rudy Elizondo, George
F. Maxwell Jr., Ernest "Ernie" Shervey, Tom Allen, Mike Adams, and Travis Dixon

These names came from orders provided by Ray Long, but do not represent
any photos, information only; A1C James L. Ratcliff , SSgt Peter
Larkin, TSgt James Collins, A1C Michael D. Adams, SSgt
Robert J. White, SSgt Nolan D. Stafford, SSgt Peter
Larkin, A1C Homer T. (Tom) Kinder, Sgt Chesley E. Bowden
Jr., SSgt Ison C. Scoggin, A1C Stephen M. McCarthy, TSgt
James J. Stanford, SSgt Robert B. Mahaffey II, A1C Joseph E.
Donahue, A1C Mickey W. Bell, and TSgt Robert E. Pechtold.

The Air Commandos
Gooney Bird, Douglas C-47 Skytrain; Thomas Allen, Commando
SPC, , Steve Williams,
Commando SPC, George Jones, Buddy
Dave Cavanagh, James Howell, Commando SPC, Tom Kinder, Mike Takach,
and Pete Smith

L to
R; Bob McCullough, James P. Sampley, Jim Charvat, James Howell, David Cavanagh, Support, Pete Larkin,
Gene Adcock, Pete Smith, Jay E. Widman, and Bob Farmer. Kneeling; George
Jones, Charles Gomez, Leroy Boykins, Thomas Allen, and Travis Dixon
England AFB, Armed Forces Day Jump Team; 1970

Back; Gene Adcock, Howard "Sky" King, Beverly McRae, Larry Long, and Mike Takach
Front; ?, Bob Miller, and Carl Roberts
